Thursday, October 11, 2018

030 "SatyamEva jayatE" (Truth alone triumphs") thus proclaims India's Official Ensigns.

"SatyamEva jayatE" (Truth alone triumphs") thus proclaims India's Official Ensigns. Till 2014, Indians might have thought that BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party) was (is still?) a Party which believes in the MundakOpanishad Verse. In 2014, Voters of India might have thought that the Indians who ruled them from 1947 to 2014 were rapacious marauders, and anointed the BJP Leaders as their new Emperors, believing all that they said. Indian Voters might have thought that everything the BJP Leaders said were in 'right-earnest' with an intent to fulfil when they get the needed empowerment to fulfil. Hence they gave the BJP Leaders in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections not just an ordinary survival majority, but a nearly dictatorial majority. The same confidence continued in the subsequent Elections to State Assemblies such as Uttar Pradesh, Maharasthra, Himachal Pradesh, with the probable exceptions of Punjab and Bihar. Now, what happened? The Clouds looked promising, as they were making lot of thunderous noises.

Mr. Rahul Gandhi too has been making un-fulfill-able promises.

Mr. Rahul Gandhi may also be thinking that his Party will not come into Power, and there will be no need to fulfil the tall promises made by him, and his Associates.

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