Wednesday, October 03, 2018

028 Part2/10 of Anguish of Shri Sudhansu Ranjan, about the Ostentatious Styles of Indian Prime Ministers

Above image is courtesy: Their Sunday Weekly Magazine Edition dated 30.9.2018. Link for those Readers who wish to go to that page and read its original: Click here to go to The title of the Article in the above Image is: "vADiki adI lEdurA" English: He does not have even that. This title shows the empathetic Nature of our Freedom Leaders. Full meaning of the sentence: He does not have even that means: He does not have even a torn shirt.

This is the second anecdote, I am reading about the generosity and magnanimity of Late Prakasam.

The first anecode, as far as I can recollect from my memory was from Prakasam's autobiography completed by Late Tenneti Viswanatham, titled as 'nA jIvita yAtra' (Journey of My Life). The anecdote might have been added by Late Tenneti viswanatham in the last annexed pages, after the demise of Late Prakasam.

On Rajahmundry Railway Station Platform

It was I believe, after Prakasam was deposed from the CM of newly formed Andhra State of AP or after Formation of United Andhra Pradesh (1957). Late Prakasam was sitting on Rajahmundry Railway Station Platform. He had no meals. He might not have had money. Some passer-by noticed Prakasam did not have his meal, and sent a meals carriage. On Indian Railway Platforms (at least in those days, if our Leaders will not allow it today) hungry people used to move. One hungry person asked Prakasam for food. Prakasam without hesitation, gave away his meals carrier. Prakasam never cared about himself.

Second episode in the above image is about Prakasam's torn shirt

Incomplete. To continue adding / deleting /modifying this post.

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