Indian Embassies abroad, some Foreign Governments who have some obligations towards India such as purchase of their weapons by India, Governments in India, particularly those led by BJP celebrated 21st June 2019 as World Yoga Day. Yoga Asanas (Yogic poses) were made to be performed even by the three Defence Forces. Hyperbolic claims were made about the benefits of Yoga. Ceremonial Yoga Asanas are not performed on bare ground. There are bound to be concomitant paraphernalia such as Yoga pads, Mineral Water Bottles, TV Reporters, Tents, Public Address Systems comprising of mics, amplifiers, loud speakers and what not. All these, might have cost a fortune, say Rs. 3 billion at All India level. While the Public Address Systems, tents etc. are hired, and are taken back at the end of the celebrations, what will happen for the Yoga mats ? Pl. see this video at the link People Loot Yoga Mats At A Yoga Day Venue In Haryana’s Rohtak, after Mr. Amit Shah and Manoharlal Khattar left the venue; video courtesy Outlook.com.
Mr. Nitish Kumar , Chief Minister , Bihar, seems to have avoided attending the function at Patna. Ostensible reason for his absence is said to be that Yoga is to be performed in privacy, as a private matter. In a way, he is right. Because, ~yoga~ literally means ~yoking~, the yoking may be with the Supreme God Head or the Supreme Spirit (Sanskrit: parama Atma). This yoking is expected to be a private affair between the ~jIvAtma (spirit within a living being)~ and the Supreme Spirit. There is some mysticism involved in this. We can see this type of mystical one-to-one relationship between jIvAtma and paramAtma, in Ravindranath Tagore's Gitanjala also.
Fundamentally, yoga does not mean yoga AsanAs alone. Yoga AsanAs are only physical exercises, involving some bending, stretching, deep breathing. Yoga is an eight-fold path called ~ashTAnga yOga, or eight-fold path~, propounded by Sage Patanjali. If yOga is understood only as physical postures, ignoring the other seven, can justice be done to true yOgA? As eight-fold path is hard to practise, our Nationalist Patriotic Brand Ambassadors of Yogic Postures cannot market yOgA globally. Yoga is neither marketable stuff, nor is it intended to be marketed. It is education with reformative content. But, unfortunately, people want everything easily, swiftly without much effort, just as a patient gulps a capsule or a tablet by placing it on the tongue, pour some water into the mouth, and gulp the pill into the alimentary canal. Hence, Physical Yoga postures fin gullible buyers. However, it may be noted that taking up yoga asanas, only for the purpose of getting good physical exercise, as a tool for our lifestyle ailments such as obesity, there does not seem to be anything wrong.
Now, we come back to the basic question: ~Does India need yOgA?~ especially the physical postures variety globally distributed by our Hon. Prime Minister. To my donkey~s mind it appears that as a billion Indians out of the 1.3 billion Indians, eke out their daily livelihood through physical labor and drudgery working as manual workers, vendors carrying their baskets on their head or pulling their carts of goods, or making and hawking eatables on carts in hot sun, they do not need separate exercise. Coming to the white collared sedate employees and officials who work from their seats, I have written a number of times at this blog itself, that once we usher in True complete Socialism into our society, working days can be redesigned, including a proportion of some mental labor and some physical labor for every workman, except for those who are not bodily fit and are too frail/challenged for physical labor. In my donkey's view this reform ought to be given the greatest importance by the Proletariat State, because ~drudgery-slog and toil~ are to be shared. Hazardous and Menial work should not thrust only on poor people with the specious argument that poor people cannot handle intellectual work which needs linguistic, mathematic, analytical and some xyz superior skills. (to continue this discussion some other time).
In Capitalist and Feudal economies, the common future is, rich persons do not undertake any physical labor at their homes. Depending on the wads of currency notes they have, they employ servants, bonded laborers brought from their native villages to cook, clean, sweep, dish-wash, garden, drop children at schools, bring back from schools etc. etc. If many of these chores are undertaken by the Middle and Upper Classes themselves at their homes, where will there be a need for gyms or yOgA?
Working Class does not need YOGA ASANAS ie. yoga of physical postures.
,br />Summary: We must know our priorities. Our priorities ought to be controlling our population, Removal of Private Property, Removal of Inheritance of Wealth and occupations, Removal of Inequalities of Income and Wealth, Removal of all types of Money-based Economy by eliminating as currency money, digital money, we have numerous things to attend to. ★
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